201 research outputs found

    Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis of a Stereo Vision-Based Driver Assistance System

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    Computerized Recognition of Traffic Signs Setting Out Lane Arrangements

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    Traffic signs setting out lane arrangements provide important and useful information for drivers, even when the road signs painted on the road surface are not visible for some reason. Though automatic traffic sign recognition systems are gaining real momentum and recent high-end cars are equipped with such systems, lane info traffic signs are often neglected by these systems. It is because of the high variability of the lane arrangements and their arrow-based representations. Herein, a syntactic approach is presented to describe lane info traffic signs and to decode and recognize their message in an automatic manner. The morphological features used for the purpose are kept intentionally simple at this stage of the research

    Sensory Representation and Cognitive Architecture: An alternative to phenomenal concepts

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    We present a cognitive-physicalist account of phenomenal consciousness. We argue that phenomenal concepts do not differ from other types of concepts. When explaining the peculiarities of conscious experience, the right place to look at is sensory/ perceptual representations and their interaction with general conceptual structures. We utilize Jerry Fodor’s psycho- semantic theory to formulate our view. We compare and contrast our view with that of Murat Aydede and Güven Güzeldere, who, using Dretskean psychosemantic theory, arrived at a solution different from ours in some ways. We have suggested that the representational atomism of certain sensory experiences plays a central role in reconstructing the epistemic gap associated with conscious experience, still, atomism is not the whole story. It needs to be supple- mented by some additional principles. We also add an account of introspection, and suggest some cognitive features that might distinguish representational atoms with phenomenal character from those without it

    Hibadetektálás korszerű analitikus módszerei járműipari alkalmazásokkal = Advanced analytic methods to fault detection with application to vehicle systems

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    1) A rendszer modelljének invertálásán alapuló detektálószűrők tulajdonságainak kutatása során kapott eredmények, ideértve elsősorban az inverz geometriai tulajdonságait és az inverz dinamika előállítására vonatkozó módszereket, lehetővé tették az optimális zavargyengítés módszerének a zavarokkal terhelt hibahatások teljes szétcsatolása révén történő alkalmazását az irodalom által eddig nem ismert módokon. Ezzel kapcsolatos legfontosabb eredményünk az inverz dinamikájának on-line becslésére épülő H-infinity optimális szűrés módszerének kidolgozása volt, ami jelentős nemzetközi visszhangot kiváltó, elismert, új tudományos eredmények megalkotásához vezetett. 2) A szakterület kutatóit általánosan érintő jelentős tudományos eredmény a Draper Lab. munkatársaival végzett kutatási tevékenység révén született folyóirat közlemény, amely a dinamikus rendszerekben és a kép illetve jelfeldolgozásban használatos detektálási módszerek eddig különállónak vélt elméleti módszereit helyezi közös alapokra, az invariáns alterek geometriai elméletének közös alapjaira. 3) Jelentős érdeklődést kiváltó eredményünk az elosztott dinamikus rendszerekben az állapotbecslés hibatűrésének és performancia mutatóinak javítására alkalmazható elosztott szűrési módszer kidolgozása, amely a szövetségi (federated) szűrőbankok továbbfejlesztése révén jött létre. | 1) The novel theory of detection filters, based on the idea of direct input reconstruction, which relies on the inverse representation of the system, can be used to construct novel filter structures, such as those which combine the advantages of optimal disturbance suppression and exact fault decoupling. The research also helped to clarify the geometric principles of the inverse. The algebraic-geometric methods can be used for the construction of the inverse. The most important result is the development of the H-infinity filtering method which is capable for optimally enhanced disturbance cancellation and exact fault decoupling based on the estimation of the inverse state. 2) The joint research with co-workers at Draper Laboratory has revealed a number of methodological parallelisms and similarities, as well as differences, in the game theoretic, stochastic, and geometric subspace formulations and solution approaches to robust detection in dynamic systems and in signal processing. It is a synthesizing result deserving the attention of both the control and the signal processing community. 3) The decentralized approach to state estimation of distributed dynamical systems over unreliable communication networks subject to uncertain and limited measurements has been addressed by federated filtering. The solution enhances fault tolerance and filter performance in sparsely distributed dynamical systems

    Statistical analysis of data describing the relationship between driver, truck and characteristics of the road

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    Road vehicles equipped with appropriate measurement equipment, computing facilities, data storage and data communication capabilities can be considered valuable data sources for the description and quantitative characterisation of road traffic. The data obtained from these vehicles provide valuable direct and indirect information pertaining to traffic states and various aspects of traffic safety in respect of the analysed road network. In this study, trucks’ abrupt braking events, detected by the trucks’ on-board safety protection units, were analysed. The road locations of the detected abrupt braking events can be characterised by a number of features ranging from the specific traffic regulations (e.g., speed limits) in force to the socio-cultural environment of the location. The abrupt braking data evidence was used for identification and description of non-trivial interactions of drivers, trucks and roads. Some of the more interesting results and conclusions of the experiments are reported herein

    Challenges of municipal waste management in Hungary

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    Aims, tasks and priorities of medium term development plans of national waste management weredefined in the National Waste Management Plan, which was made for the period of 2003–2008 inHungary. Supporting of the European Union is indispensable for carrying out of plan. The mostimportant areas are related to the developing projects of municipal solid waste treatment (increasingthe capacity of landfills, accomplishment of the infrastructure of selective waste collection, buildingof new composting plants). The national environmental policy does not focus sufficiently on theprevention of waste production. Due to the high expenses of investment and operation the energeticrecovery and the incineration of municipal solid waste do not compete with the deposition. Weinclined to think that the waste management of Hungary will be deposition-orientated until 2015. Themain problems to the next years will be the lack of reprocessing industry of plastic and glasspackaging waste. The high number of to-be-recultivated landfills and the attainability of necessaryfinancial sources are also serious problems. There are many questions. What is the future in nationalwaste management? How can we reduce the quantity of dumped waste? What are challenges ofnational waste management on the short and long term

    Implementation of climate change strategies in Hungary

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